Until the whole world knows
Dear generous friend,
From the depths of our hearts, thank you for joining the Encounter Create movement! Your support is a testament to the shared vision we hold dear – shining the light of Christ and fostering a vibrant community built on Romans 11:36. As the family of God, we will be a movement empowered by Holy Spirit for such a time as this .
Welcome to your story
A place where our collective yes’ to Jesus is lived out daily by picking up our cross and following Him, through a glorious invitation to an everlasting relationship with the Creator. Together, we will run the race with endurance for the joy that is set before us because we understand that our part matters. Our plan is Him because the Bible says that only One thing is necessary (Luke 10:42) and it's from Him, through Him, and to Him, are all things: to whom be glory for ever. Amen. Welcome to Encounter Create. Together, we will build His Kingdom, on earth as it is in Heaven.