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Partner in Purpose

The heartbeat of Encounter Create is a garden, planted in faith in God's instruction and the purpose of His direction. What began as a seed planted by Holy Spirit, has produced a crop and on good soil will bring an incredible harvest where only one thing is needed, being with Jesus ( Luke 10:42 ).

We believe that God has planted Encounter Create as a beacon of hope to point people to know Jesus Christ. We would be honored to have you partner with us in prayer and invite you to share our story with your friends and family. You can also follow EC on social media to stay connected and see the impact you're making as we give our charge completely over to loving Jesus.

A Legacy of Faith

At Encounter Create, we're driven by the heartbeat of the Father and His call to the Great Commission. We're a movement with intentionality to be instructed by Holy Spirit and reserved to focus on His mission in the earth. We pray that our apparel reaches lives for Christ by sparking heart-to-heart conversations that spread the Good News of the Gospel until the whole world knows

By joining hands with Encounter Create through your product purchase, prayer, storytelling, or donation, you become a partner of purpose. These contributions fuels our ability to:

  • Host Christian Apparel that scribes Scriptures into garments of praise for His Glory.

  • Harvest mores seeds through the leading of Holy Spirit with our products of faith and an online presence.

  • Connect others to Jesus and encourage by the Word to stay planted in a lasting friendship with Him. 

In His hands, we know everything will multiply ( Matthew 14 ) and in His instruction we trust the boats will overflow ( Luke 5 ). At Encounter Create, we seek to honor God with what we have and cast our nets with reverence. 

Join our email list and stay connected to the mission and vision of Encounter Create as God leads. Get exclusive updates about new collections, special offers, prayer requests, and inspiring stories from fellow believers.

Meet the call to Commission. This is your invitation to go and make disciples! Share the Gospel, tell your testimony, and invite your friends or family to experience community here at Encounter Create.

We believe the power of praying in unity. As a prayer team member, we are eager to witness the miracles connected to the tapestry of intercession. With your prayer dedication, we invite you to join our exclusive prayer community.

Because of your generous support, together, we nourish the mission: Until the whole world knows. Partner with purpose and plant with faith. Your seed of generosity will blossom into something beautiful in the EC garden.

Make a donation

Your support is a testament to the shared mission we hold dear. Every Encounter Create product goes into the hands of God and your donation helps scatter those seeds far and wide. Because of His faithfulness and your partnership, we continue to make an eternal impact for the Glory of God. We couldn't be more excited to build His Kingdom, together!


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